Thursday, November 2, 2017

Visa Visa 13

2017-11-02 Thursday 2 PM MDNH



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David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett "The best kind of teachers are ones whom listen more, play more, ask more questions, interacted more."

If you don't know when to use the word "whom" - you should just always use who; using "who" wrong is usually unnoticeable - But you look like such an outrageous twat using "whom" wrong.

I hope you get thrown in jail.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Why you in jail? I'm a Whom Robber.
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett 18,250 USD is the price of a 2 year over stay on a visa. Just a friendly reminder.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson USD $25 per day for overstaying. I don’t think they would charge Joey that much. A simpler way is to deport and maybe just a few thousands of fine.
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett Jamie Thompson as long as he can't come back everybody wins!
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold David Joshua Puckett free beer on you after I am dead and long gone. Time to party like it is 1776. Have fun. Cheers.
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett Extortion is also illegal in Vietnam😂😂😂😂😂
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett You're an illegal alien. No one gives a shit. In fact most of us find it hilarious.4
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson As you can see for yourself Joey, the maximum penalty is US $2,000. Chances of you being deported is high.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson what do I have to lose?
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson It’s better to leave now rather than being found and get deported.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson what is the difference?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson leaving does not help me any more than leaving in a different kind of way.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson will I get a big star for leaving?
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson You’ll lose nothing but being deported. You’ll get a criminal record as a reward too. So proud of you Joey 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I am way too poor to leave.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Joey Arnold big star? Big fat criminal record 😉
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson I already got a criminal record for what my dad's GF did to me. She was drunk in 2012 and tried to call the cops. She was yelling at me. I took the phone from her. She got out her other phone and called again. The cops took me to jail because I took the phone from her.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Tbh it’s best for you to be back in US. Vietnam doesn’t need this kind of bullshit.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I'm too poor to leave.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Be a gigolo? You won’t be poor to leave.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I have a criminal record.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold A lot of people are incapable of analyzing complex information. How people react to my life is a perfect example. I can tell stories of big bad things that others did. Long story short. For years, I've done that. I talk about it. You can read my blogs. You can watch my videos. But people turn around and say I'm bad. People do 180s on me too often. First, they can say they love me until they are exposed to comprehensive story lines. People betray me. People turn around. People refuse to think about things at deeper levels. People are so shallow and one dimensional. Attention spans are so short, as in too short for most people. Most people have no idea who I am. They see me but they do not really see me.




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