Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Visa Visa 12

2017-11-02 Thursday 2 PM MDNH



· Reply · 1 hr
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett "The best kind of teachers are ones whom listen more, play more, ask more questions, interacted more."

If you don't know when to use the word "whom" - you should just always use who; using "who" wrong is usually unnoticeable - But you look like such an outrageous twat using "whom" wrong.

I hope you get thrown in jail.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Why you in jail? I'm a Whom Robber.
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett 18,250 USD is the price of a 2 year over stay on a visa. Just a friendly reminder.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson USD $25 per day for overstaying. I don’t think they would charge Joey that much. A simpler way is to deport and maybe just a few thousands of fine.
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett Jamie Thompson as long as he can't come back everybody wins!
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold David Joshua Puckett free beer on you after I am dead and long gone. Time to party like it is 1776. Have fun. Cheers.
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett Extortion is also illegal in Vietnam😂😂😂😂😂
David Joshua Puckett
David Joshua Puckett You're an illegal alien. No one gives a shit. In fact most of us find it hilarious.4
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson As you can see for yourself Joey, the maximum penalty is US $2,000. Chances of you being deported is high.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson what do I have to lose?
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson It’s better to leave now rather than being found and get deported.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson what is the difference?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson they are both bad.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson leaving does not help me any more than leaving in a different kind of way.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson will I get a big star for leaving?
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson You’ll lose nothing but being deported. You’ll get a criminal record as a reward too. So proud of you Joey 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I am way too poor to leave.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Joey Arnold big star? Big fat criminal record 😉
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jamie Thompson I already got a criminal record for what my dad's GF did to me. She was drunk in 2012 and tried to call the cops. She was yelling at me. I took the phone from her. She got out her other phone and called again. The cops took me to jail because I took the phone from her.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I'm too poor to leave.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Be a gigolo? You won’t be poor to leave.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I have a criminal record.


Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo You’ve been staying illegally for 2 years. Shame on you! Vietnam needs to be rid of losers like you. You are irresponsible.
Jah Mateus
Jah Mateus And you want to stop pretending to be British.
Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo Huh? What kinda shit are you on?
Jah Mateus
Jah Mateus More like what kind of shit are you on. You look like a Smack head.
Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo I don’t understand why you said I should stop pretending to be British. I am not living someone else’s life.
Bao Thien Weigert
Bao Thien Weigert But he is mental ill it means untouchable .if this mental disorder certificated by a doctor he has a high chance to get deported without paying a compensation
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Bao Thien Weigert you are not a psychiatrist nor psychologist. You can't diagnose a person's mentally based on their physical appearance. That is judgement. Mentally ill does not means untouchable. You sound ill educated to me.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Bao should meet me in person.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Legally, you can NOT be working illegally if you are not working. I am not working, legally speaking, because what I do does not meet the requirements by law. Therefore, what I do is nothing, legally. Is walking illegal? No. Is talking illegal? No. Both walking and talking can be work but they are not recognized as work. When people give you money, did you work for them? When people give you money on your birthday, are they your employers? No, unless if they are, already. If a non-employer gives you a gift, a present, then that is what it is. That is not work. You cannot work illegally if you re not working in the first place. You have to meet the requirements of work before you can violate that. Romelus Saladar Marilyn Mitchell Rick Arnold

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· 4 hrs
Peter Paul Gualtieri
Peter Paul Gualtieri The kind that doesn't over stay his visas

· Reply ·
· 4 hrs
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I tried not to
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold How much money for an exit visa?
Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo You don’t need a visa to leave a country.
Amor EM
Amor EM Aidan Alburo maybe he is asking about the penalty fee so that he can leave which, we don’t know since we are not working for the Viet immigration.
Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo Amor EM he’s asking about an exit visa. There’s no exit visa.

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs
Amor EM
Amor EM Aidan Alburo maybe what he meant was the penalty to exit but I don’t know. Anyways, he mixes everything up. 🙂
Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo Read his question again. He’s looking for something that does not even exist.
Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo Amor EM he claims to be an English teacher when he cannot even express properly what he wants in the language he teaches. What’s an exit visa? Like what is it? It does not exist!
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Aidan Alburo exit visa do exist for U.S. citizens but only apply to E-visa holder. They may enter and exit Vietnam from 28 designated international border gate.
Jamie Thompson
Jamie Thompson Aidan Alburo I do agree with you that some of his questions or comments is confusing despite being an English teacher.
Aidan Alburo
Aidan Alburo Jamie Thompson oh does it? Sorry my bad. Sorry Joey.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I may or may not be what I may or may not say that I am or am not and do and do not do and I get accused of things I did not do all the time like a celebrity in a tabloid. I have been lied about and rumored about by so many for so many years. There are a lot of things people think does not exist which do in fact exist. Our natural reflection, habit, reaction, is to react, is to retort, is to respond that such things do not and cannot exist. Life is so full of mysteries. We can enjoy life more when we are opened more to the possibilities of life. Take care. Thanks.
Scott Litton
Scott Litton Brian Boykins?

· Reply · 1 hr
Bao Thien Weigert
Bao Thien Weigert Perhaps he mean sexist visa

· Reply ·
· 59 mins

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