Monday, November 6, 2017

Leave 13

Jonathan Neal
Jonathan Neal people have been trying to help him since he started posting five years ago. He just shows up in all the groups one day, and starts saying a bunch of crazy crap and posting odd videos, ruffles feathers, gets kicked out of all the groups eventually. He immediately created new accounts and came back After this played out a few times over a couple years 2013/2014, he disappeared for quite a while, I thought he'd left. A while back, maybe a couple years ago his family was looking for him in another group I think, I don't know what ever came of that.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold A guy started a thread about me in Another side of Vietnam. I talk like Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, Trump: I talk like a New Yorker: liberals can't handle my Yankee Doodle Dandies.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold January 2014, I was trying to defend myself in ASOV. Some times, I use hyperbole and other things: I love using analogies: I play the Devils Advocate sometimes: i do many things and I am smarter than people think.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Dude refuses to answer simple questions.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin which questions? I tried to extend my visa. But I was not qualified for an extension. But at that time, I didn't know that. nobody told me that. People said there might be some kind of special problem why I could not extend. There seems to b...See More
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin If you mean now obviously one wouldn't think that you can simply extend a visa that is overstayed by 2 years. I asked you what was the result when you went to immigration. Did they fine you? Did they make you go to some building and keep you there? Did they kick you out the country? Did they allow you to pay fine and stay in Vietnam with new Visa?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin I said I went but did not say when. The word "WENT" is in past tense. I went in January 2016. I said I did. I did not say when I did. That is when I did it. My visa expired 2015, December 9. I went to a travel agency around the 4th, a few d...See More
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Joey Arnold So you haven't went and resolved this issue yet. Ok thanks for the clarification.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Ok then. Did you pay a fine with the 2 yr overstay? Did they kick you out of the country?
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin And what did they say / what was the outcome?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, they did not kick me out of VN.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, I'm trying to make a new visa.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, immigration told me to leave VN.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, but didn't tell me what happened.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Guess first you got to purchase a ticket out of Vietnam, then they will deal with your overstay and fine
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin what happened in 2015?
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin No I mean now. You probably must first purchase a ticket out of vietnam, then they authorities will deal with your overstay
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin there are other options.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin please don't be blind.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin What are the other options?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, there are visa sticker pages (new visas and/or renewals) and visa stamps (extensions: AKA to add more time to visas: to make visas longer, to add a month, 3 months, or maybe more time, days, weeks, months, years, to visas) that can and cannot be made and not made in the country, outside of the country, taken, delivered, stamped, glued, put together, directly, indirectly, before time, on time, and after the time, the deadlines, the limits, by some period of time, be it days, weeks, months, years, or who knows or maybe some do know and I have been part of some of those things, and these things may or may not be either legal or not legal and that is another big question as well. But I made a sticker once in the country. Right now, I am trying something. We could argue about what people do and we can argue about the law which may or may not legally allow people, tourist agencies, and others, to do or not do what they may or may not do both what is and/or is not legal and/or not legal and/or not specified, not mentioned, not directly talked about, written about, and so on and so forth. Talk to lawyers about it. Read the law. What is legal is not always what is moral and what is moral is not always what is sociable acceptable or not and vice versus. So, these are or are not options and this all can be debated.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin So your plan is to have someone make you a new Visa or extend your current 2 yr old one......
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, my plan is to continue to do what I do and what I am doing and what I continue to do and/or not do. I'm NOT a tourist agency. That means, I'm not the one to make and to not make what may or may not have been made, what may or may not be being made, developed, in the past, in the present, in the future, actively, as in ongoing, as in gerunds, as in it is what it is. Do we believe in professionalism on behalf of the tourist agencies, lawyers, companies, embassies, and immigration, as in way beyond me, as in only me, as an individual, as in just one person in the face of corporate accountability, integrity, transparency, requirements, legally, nationally, to say the least.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Ah so real plan is to do nothing. Continue to live and try to work in Vietnam. Deal with the visa problem later 👍
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, you should learn how to read. I continue to say stuff and you may or may not have no idea or some idea of what I am saying and/or not saying and/or you are pretending not to know or believe in what I may or may not be saying including the fact that something is happening right now and that means in ten days from now, something else may happen, and I'm referencing something right now indirectly, but you may or may be reading this, and you may not even admit to what is going to happen next but I will be making a video about this and I will talk about this when I am in the USA soon. I want people to learn from you. I will be saying more about this later.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Oh so some person or agency is in the process of alleviating your problem.

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