Thursday, October 5, 2017


Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Patrick Ramolla, if I go to the border, I will need to pay $20 USD or more for each day I overstay according to many people. That is around $22K USD just to exit Vietnam. Plus, I could try to buy a new Vietnam visa and come back. That may take an entrance letter. I may be banned and stopped at the border when I try to reenter Vietnam. I may be banned for a day, month, maybe up to five years, or maybe forever. I could be charged up to 22K or maybe more. But I only got about 1K right now or maybe less. I am not working right now. Sometimes, I teach or tutor. But I do not know what will happen if I try to leave. Many people have said many different things to me about what I should do. I have heard conflicting stories about what happens at borders. I did 2 visa runs before. I went from Vietnam to Cambodia and back to Vietnam with a new VN visa 2 times. I know how to do that but this is different. I have to make sure I have a backup plan before I try to leave and return to Vietnam for a third time. I have no idea how much money I may need for it all. I am scared about that. I got to maybe teach online or other countries or maybe go back to the USA. I will continue to try to make money and save money an I will try to get better sources of income that can be more consistent. I want to try to have as much money as I can before I try. I know I can fail in so many ways and I will go when I am ready enough. I got to make sure I have a few different choices. Right now, I do not see choices. I feel like I do not have choices. I will try to figure it out and I will try to make my move when I am as prepared as possible.... if I go to soon, then it could be much worse......
Tùng Thanh Đỗ
Tùng Thanh Đỗ May I ask the name of the weed that you are smoking ?
Tùng Thanh Đỗ
Tùng Thanh Đỗ A guy asked you before, but you didn't answer.
Sahil Verma
Sahil Verma Trung Nguyen Patrick Ramolla Trung Nguyen and Patrick Ramolla dear guys , this man joey is out of mind , he doesn't know even what he write , absence of mind , even you pop will try to help him but he will make you feel ashamed , blamed on social media, he will never stop write message to make you ppl ashamed and inferior , so just ignore this guy to talk to him is wasting the time . Hope you understand what I mean . I am also a victim of his useless messages
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I need a room.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Benjamin James Park, how much I have is not the same as how much I can or want to spend per month.
Benjamin James Park
Benjamin James Park Okay, so you want a free room?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Benjamin James Park I want to live in the sun
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Benjamin James Park I want to be a dinosaur
Tùng Thanh Đỗ
Tùng Thanh Đỗ Get on the ground, you are so high, dude !
Jennifer Hay
Jennifer Hay You are the least awesome guy i know
Jennifer Hay
Jennifer Hay And you know why
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Jennifer Hay because I am oatmeal
Jennifer Hay
Jennifer Hay No because you are dangerous
Marco Marco
Marco Marco I find your personality quite brilliant!
Mộc An
Mộc An Be strong 💪💪💪💪
Che Faeldonia
Che Faeldonia Go back home dude..and fix your problems...thats the best thing to do.
Hard to live in vietnam without documents... :(
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I got documents.
Che Faeldonia
Che Faeldonia Then go to some agents...
You posted you dont have :)

· Reply · 1 hr
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Che Faeldonia, there are things I have and there are things I do not have. You are not thinking enough. There are documents I do not have and there are documents I do have. I said I do not have documents because there are some documents I do not have. I am saying I do have documents because there are documents I do have and don't have.

· Reply · 1 hr
Che Faeldonia
Che Faeldonia since you're brilliant and full of good ideas, then you can solve your problems...good luck!

· Reply · 1 hr · Edited
Philip Veinott
Philip VeinottGroup Admin VIA loves and supports you joe you got an awesome personality 👍
Alison Jolly
Alison Jolly Please never stop
Alison Jolly
Alison Jolly Ill give you 11usd if that helps
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold no thank you
Alison Jolly
Alison Jolly Lol sorry I'm poor
Amy Lee
Amy Lee I have seen people were mocking you through comments and even their posts. I know cause some of them they were my facebook friends. Those who goes to cheap pub everynight, who rely on her boy friend for sending her house monthly fee. Compared to them you are much better. Beside You are doing a good thing to teach english to vietnamese people.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee You should find a way to study in college, and work beside study time. People wont look down on you after having university degree/celta certification. Then you can teach in english center.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I attended 4 colleges and I have certificates. I have already done that. I was in colleges for so many years since 2004. I have done that.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee You should make your goal high. See you are already qualified person :)
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I attended 4 colleges, 2004 - 2011. I got certificate and degrees and many things during those seven years.
Benjamin James Park
Benjamin James Park You attended bible school, mate.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee Is it wrong that who graduated a Chrstian universiry?
Benjamin James Park
Amy Lee
Amy Lee Whats wrong with bible school? Did you support him to study there?
Benjamin James Park
Benjamin James Park Amy Lee You tell me what's good about them, Amy. And then we'll go from there.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee I dont understand. Its not a good behavior that mocking other's school where he or she graduated.
Benjamin James Park
Benjamin James Park Amy Lee I didn't mock him at all! Just because someone laughed at my comment that doesn't mean I mocked him. I've tried to reach out and help him. Focus your attention on something more productive.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee Ok then its my apology. But you are not in the position to mentioning my attention
Amy Lee
Amy Lee Just happended to read your comment thats all. People can think wrong thats why we are humans . Not the god.U make no mistakes every day in your life for more than 20and 30 years?

Highlight others small mistakes wont make u any special. Just it shows your bad personality. Thats all.
Benjamin James Park
Benjamin James Park Amy Lee No problem at all. I accept your apology. I completely sympathised with him in the beginning and tried to protect him from the people who I thought were bullying him too. It won't be happening again.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee U need to focus ur productive work dude. Today i finished my work at 4. Why u cares about other lives?U are so annoying!
Benjamin James Park
Benjamin James Park Amy Lee I have no idea what you're talking about now, Amy. But you're clearly looking for a victory. Here, take it - "You win! You're right." Peace
Amy Lee
Amy Lee I taught you finished your sentence. No one thinks like like your way.

I could misunderstood u by the way u mentioned bible school. Bible school is a good school.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee And one more thing you are not in the position to mention me for what to focus on. I finished my work at 4pm. Thats none of your concern for what i focus on.

You should be a police man on the stret if u want to tell others for their attentions :)

Unless they will go or stay from your order :)
Benjamin James Park
Benjamin James Park Amy Lee Did you also study at Bible school?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Benjamin James Park, I attended Portland Community College and I was at Mount Hood Community College and I was studying web design and writing and some business.
Patrick Ramolla
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold said the man with a box head
Patrick Ramolla
Patrick Ramolla Joey Arnold

Fact is - I can remove the box from my head.
I think that's quite an advantage...wouldn't you agree?

But tell me more about how you resolve your business by whinging about and blaming everyone but yourself for your situation?
You pretend to be all smart and shit but your just talking your way out as soon as you're confronted with something slightly uncomfortable.

Only because you can use your mouth to produce sound or know how to use a keyboard, doesn't necessarily mean something intelligent comes out ✌🏼

· Reply ·
· 2 hrs · Edited
Amy Lee
Amy Lee How much do you know about joey Patrick Ramolla?
Why you hate him so much? Maybe you think wrong way about him.
Patrick Ramolla
Patrick Ramolla Amy Lee I rely my assessments on a mix of observation, gut feeling and experience.
Also, I don't hate him - I just don't have sympathy for him... ✌🏼
Joey Arnold
Amy Lee
Amy Lee You should improve your life and try not to post here in vietnam's awesome group. Here have many good people. But also have asshole who are living an unsuccesful life and they like to trolling others. You dont need to be their lamb.

6 years ago. I di
dnt have a job. And i had no money like you. And i focused on getting a job and didnt hangout with not worth friends and my life has been improving from third level to the first level.

You can upgrade your life joey. Weather its webdesigning or english.
Amy Lee
Amy Lee Just try your best.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Amy Lee, Vietnam is Awesome because Vietnamese in Vietnam are Awesome and because others in Vietnam are Awesome. This may or may not include me. This post is applicable for this group because this post and thread is all about making Vietnam and ourselves more Awesome. This post is here for many reasons. This post helps me and you and many people. It helps in many ways regardless of whether you know it or not. The purposes of this post here is all about Vietnam and Vietnamese and people and AWESOME PEOPLE and also AWESOME STUFF and progress and recovery and education and entertainment and history and much more.....

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