Monday, November 6, 2017

Leave 11

Tommy Otto
Tommy Otto Matthew Johnson ohh. Well then someone needs to get him some assistance. Maybe call the embassy or his family for him.
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson That’s a tough spot legally πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒπŸ€”
Allan Kamen
Allan Kamen I think the best solution is to block him so as not to see his worthless posts in the future.
Jonathan Neal
Jonathan Neal people have been trying to help him since he started posting five years ago. He just shows up in all the groups one day, and starts saying a bunch of crazy crap and posting odd videos, ruffles feathers, gets kicked out of all the groups eventually. He immediately created new accounts and came back After this played out a few times over a couple years 2013/2014, he disappeared for quite a while, I thought he'd left. A while back, maybe a couple years ago his family was looking for him in another group I think, I don't know what ever came of that.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold A guy started a thread about me in Another side of Vietnam. I talk like Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, Rasheed Wallace, Trump: I talk like a New Yorker: liberals can't handle my Yankee Doodle Dandies.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold January 2014, I was trying to defend myself in ASOV. Some times, I use hyperbole and other things: I love using analogies: I play the Devils Advocate sometimes: i do many things and I am smarter than people think.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Dude refuses to answer simple questions.

· Reply · 1 hr
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin which questions? I tried to extend my visa. But I was not qualified for an extension. But at that time, I didn't know that. nobody told me that. People said there might be some kind of special problem why I could not extend. There seems to be simple reasons why I could not extend my visa a third time. I have extended my other visas before that many times. I went to Cambodia on visa runs two times. I went to extend my visa BEFORE my visa was expired. That was normal. I did this before. I have extended my visa about ten or more times. I made six new visa sticker pages. I know how to do that. I have been in Vietnam since 2012. So, I am not dumb. But they didn't tell me what I needed to know. I asked many people and they didn't really tell me what I really needed to know and they said some things to me that were not specifically true and accurate. I want people to be more aware of some of this as it applies to you and your lives and the lives of others.

· Reply · 1 hr · Edited
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin If you mean now obviously one wouldn't think that you can simply extend a visa that is overstayed by 2 years. I asked you what was the result when you went to immigration. Did they fine you? Did they make you go to some building and keep you there? Did they kick you out the country? Did they allow you to pay fine and stay in Vietnam with new Visa?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin I said I went but did not say when. The word "WENT" is in past tense. I went in January 2016. I said I did. I did not say when I did. That is when I did it. My visa expired 2015, December 9. I went to a travel agency around the 4th, a few days before that. Two weeks later, they said they couldn't extend it. I thought at that time there was something wrong with the travel agency. So, I told another agency what happened. They said no problem. But two weeks later, they said, oh there is a problem. They did not say what the problem was. They said they didn't know what the problem was. So, I went to another agency and told them. And they said the same thing. They tried to help. Then, 2 weeks later, same thing. Every two or so weeks, or every day sometimes, I was doing that. But I also talked to my embassy. I talked to lawyers. I talked to immigration. I talked to foreigners. I talked to Vietnamese. I was doing this since December 2015, month after month. But I was also scared of what might be the problem. Maybe, Vietnam didn't like that I believe in capitalism. Maybe, I said something bad about them online. So, maybe they want to get rid of me because I believe in patriotism. I believe in our country first. I believe in family values. Maybe, they don't like that. But not saying they do or do not. But some said maybe I was on a blacklist or something. That scared me. So, I have been on this journey for two years now. Long story.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Joey Arnold So you haven't went and resolved this issue yet. Ok thanks for the clarification.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin Ok then. Did you pay a fine with the 2 yr overstay? Did they kick you out of the country?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, they did not kick me out of VN.
Lee Melvin
Lee Melvin And what did they say / what was the outcome?
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, I'm trying to make a new visa.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, immigration told me to leave VN.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold Lee Melvin, but didn't tell me what happened.
Joey Arnold
Joey Arnold I love hyperbole.

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