Friday, April 3, 2015

I HATE Capitalism

a few seconds ago
you hate capitalism
America came
I just hate the way you said about our history
America was helping
America helps people
You dont underdtand
America helps countries
So dont judge it
America build buildings
in Saigon
later, they destroyed those buildings
I will not argue with u if you cant open your restricted mind
America was giving Vietnam capitalism
It's meaningless
capitalism was in Vietnam
it was there
it was in Vietnam
Capitalism was a gift
it was there
it was being given
talk to the old people
I talk to the old Vietnamese
old Vietnamese people tell me
You are dying of overconfident
I talk to them
I talk to Vietnamese
I lived in Vietnam for over two years
I study
I read
Uncle Ho did not want capitalism
civil war
Your words are not Jesus's words
the south wanted capitalism
South Korea capitalism
That 's not actually true
remember South Korea
think about South Korea
It's need to be checked
Vietnamese like South Korea because of capitalism
America left in 1973, NOT 1975
North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam
You are so subjective if you just believe in what u hear from some people
South Vietnamese were murdered
South Vietnamese ran away
Stop showing off
many South Vietnamese ran to America in boats
talk to the old people
That's the complication of politic
the history books lie
you are lied to
communism lies
Dont get it wrong
the government lies to you
they suppress you
they take away your freedom
communism is against capitalism
You do nothing but judging
they are not friends
they are enemies
learn how to read
you do not read
you generalies too much
you generalize
I dont like to talk with an silly and conservative one
you do not think
your brain is dead
you are not thinking
your mind is already made
So dont inbox me
you should think
you lie
you are a liar
I will unfriend with u.
you HATE capitalism

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