Saturday, July 11, 2015

Rod Powell

  • Joey Arnold Everything in life is advertisement
    3 hrs · Like
  • Rod Powell You got be kidding mate. Please explain to our audience what you mean by your prophetic statement
    3 hrs · Like
  • Joey Arnold Advertisement is motivated by money. However, I'm not always motivated by money. I'm not selling anything
    3 hrs · Like
  • Rod Powell So you you do things on a completely voluntary basis. No ulterior motive. I find that hard to believe. 'Man cannot live on air alone'.
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Ray Kim I ask you politely, if you are mentally disordered? Then I would understand and let it go.
    8 mins · Like
  • Joey Arnold If I was mentally retarded, then how would I know that I was mentally retarded? Self awareness is sometimes too much for the mentally handicap. Do ants understand what it is like to be humans? Will ants say that they are limited when compared to humans? Ants probably can't even answer those kinds of questions
    If I am messed up, then I would not be able to know completely about it. But if I knew that I had problems, then that is the first of the twelve steps in the AA Meetings (Alcoholic Anonymous) 
    I'm Christian, born 1985 in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA. I was homeschooled & had ear tubes until I was ten years old which is when I began learning how to talk better like my five year old sister. I went to public high school & four colleges. I volunteered in Revolution Hawaii with The Salvation Army. I was a camp counselor at around six different camps in three different states. I'm 30 years old & I'm a film maker since I was ten years old. Most of what people see is sort of like spam or kind of meant to get people to look at me in order to get people to reconsider things because I do believe that I'm an entertainer, an encourager, & an educator

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