another side of vietnam about joey arnold
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Stay Away 6
Joey Arnold
21 hrs
Ho Chi Minh City
I'm an American English Teacher. Add me
7 people
like this.
Toan Tianh
I tried but failed, add me now
21 hrs
Joey Arnold
I failed too
21 hrs
Anh Minou Huynh
Circle K, 167 Ton Dan Q4 HCM
Chi My Luong was my cashier. I went to this Circle K store sometimes. I always bought...
17 hrs
Anh Long
this guy has mental problems
16 hrs
Charles Scinta
12 hrs
Jake Houseago
you just fail at life. period. please leave normal human beings alone.
37 mins
Chau Nguyen
hahha,this guy is real,i thought not.Because none of normal human being act like him.
33 mins
Joey Arnold
Chau enjoys insulting people
30 mins
Joey Arnold
Zuck Lee
, read this
30 mins
Chau Nguyen
i think everyone who normal just think like me,because all the things u have done doesnt make any sense for a normal person like me
tongue emoticon
27 mins
Jake Houseago
like shouting at monks, causing arguments in circle K so aggressively police have to be called, stealing bicycles and leeching off other peoples money, invalid visas…the list goes on. a disgrace to the expat community
26 mins
Chau Nguyen
And why " I'm an American English Teacher.Add me"?why?i dont get it
24 mins
Jake Houseago
cos he cannot get any work
24 mins
Joey Arnold
Jake Houseago
, you do not know what happened at the Leaf Pagoda. The people there will not tell you what happened before the filming of that small video. From your perspective, you only saw me raising my voice to them for the injustices at hand. Howeve
r, you did not see what was happening before. They were yelling at me. They were lying to me. They were saying that I was a bad teacher, a bad person in general, things like that, and that my visa was expired even when it wasn't. They promised me a salary which I did not ask for but they promised it to me a few times and they continued to talk about it and then they would deny ever talking about it. It is a long story and the videos I make fail at presenting the truth. People refuse to see what really happened. Instead, you guys just want to find ways to mock me. You continue touse anything and everything in order to say bad things about me
21 mins
Joey Arnold
Chau Nguyen
, I do not get you. Why must everybody be the same? Why must people be robots? I am different. Does that make me crazy? I am crazy because I am different? You want everybody to think the same and to be the same? You want everybody to be robots and clones and puppets and dolls and things like that? Where is the mystery in that? I am unfit for society because I have creativity and I seek justice everywhere?
19 mins
Jake Houseago
you do it to yourself, then after making these videos you post them online for sympathy. please just go away. if you need work why don't you go to the thousands of english centers in town? or maybe you don't have the qualifications to apply?
18 mins
Joey Arnold
Jake Houseago
, you are not listening to me. I am writing words and you are not reading them. You do not care what i am saying. I am trying to tell you that you are misunderstanding these situations, especially since you were not there. However, you don
't care. You just want to tell people how bad I am. You spread lies about me. What you say and ask are built on assumptions and implications that are not grounded on truth. Instead, you are using other kinds of things in order to make up your own kind of judgments. I do work and I am qualified. If I did not work, then how could I live in Vietnam for three years and counting? I am independent and I am a freelance English Teacher in TP.HCM. I work for myself. I do not get money from governments or families or clubs or organizations. I am a real person and I help people. But some people are evil and some are jealous and people continue to lie about me like the media lies about celebrities
13 mins
Chau Nguyen
ur different is ok,but ur different and u show the whole world about that,who doesnt know u,who havent met you,who know nothing about u,but "An American English Teacher.Add me" that bother them who seen too much about u,ur everywhere,everywhere.And its creepy
12 mins
Jake Houseago
i see the freelance teaching thing is working for you…
unsure emoticon
11 mins
Jake Houseago
and i am not spreading lies i am simply commenting on videos that you post, and other people expressing how much you took from them. one poor girl said in a forum that she offered to buy you dinner one night because you had no money and you ordered lot
s of food, ended up costing her a lot of money, she is a student and was trying to be a good person and buy you something to eat yet you spent 500k of her money?! who does that?! its sickening
7 mins
Joey Arnold
Chau Nguyen
, sharing is caring. We all begin life as strangers. Life is full of risks. When you meet new people, they may like you or hate you. When you meet a new person, you may gain a new friend or gain a new enemy.
You can meet people on the internet. You are not only limited to only meeting people in real life. Your thinking is more primitive and ancient and traditional because you refuse to see things differently. You can meet new people on Facebook and those people can become real friends that you can meet in real life in the real world like what happened to Tom Hanks and Meg Ryans in the 1996 film You Got Mail. I think that film was in 1996 or around then. GO watch that movie. We all know that we can meet people in real life or on the internet.
People in real life can be fake and people we meet on the internet can sometimes be more real than the people we know in real life, especially if we are more direct and honest with those people on the internet. Yes, normally real friends are more real than people on the internet, but that does not automatically and directly disqualify and rule out internet friends from becoming better friends and real friends like your real friends and family
5 mins
Joey Arnold
Jake Houseago
, the girl was trying to get me to be her teacher. She invited me to dinner. She asked me what I wanted to eat. I said pizza. She bought me pizza. I did not ask her to buy me food. She met me at the pagoda and I did not need food. I already had dinner that day. She said that she wanted to take me out for dinner. i said ok. I do not see that as a crime. I do not like saying no to people. If somebody wants to give me free pizza then I say ok. After that, she was trying to get me to teach English for her and her friends at her friend's house in District 12. After that, I got lost and came to the house from District 1 on my bicycle. I came late and they got angry maybe and then she was mad at me and then she started telling people that I stole money or food or whatever from her. But that did not happen. She gave me the pizza. Then she wasn't happy that I got lost on my way to teach at a class.So, she decided to twist a story in order to get other people to hate me
Just now
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