Thursday, March 5, 2015


  • Bilbo Mcbaggins
    If you want a VN'ese gf.. cool cos everyone else does
  • Joey Arnold
    Joey Arnold
    I am too old for that
    I am sick of love
  • Bilbo Mcbaggins
    Bilbo Mcbaggins
    But sometimes I get a sense you come on to them too strong and they don't want it
    Cost money in VN
  • Joey Arnold
    Joey Arnold
    People don't like taking photos with me
    But photos is not the same thing as marriage
    I put my arms around their shoulders in photos
  • Bilbo Mcbaggins
    Bilbo Mcbaggins
    dude come on
    I don't care about all that junk man
    whatever your game is and how you get girls
    its fine if they are willing
  • Bilbo Mcbaggins
    Bilbo Mcbaggins
    This is Tram
    a friend of mine that I known for couple years
  • Bilbo Mcbaggins
    Bilbo Mcbaggins
    You might remember her or not I don't care
    but she said she meet you
    I think you ask her out for cafe and she can learn some English or whatever
    She told me a few things I trust her in what she said
    Nothing totally bad
    Anyway dood, I hope you well
    Be safe and have fun
  • Joey Arnold
    Joey Arnold
    I do not remember her. I do not date girls. I do not even try to date girls. You are not even talking to me because you don't care what I say. You're not going to listen to me. You're not going to believe me. You don't trust me. You think that I am just a normal man in Vietnam. I do not ask girls out for coffee. . I tell people that I teach english at coffee shops. If I met her, she may have taken what I say personally to be like a personal date. But what I say to people is what I say to people in general. I am a freelance teacher. I tell people about what I do in general. It was not be only directed to females. I teach people that want my help. . I take what you are saying as an insult. Because what she says is right. You are basically calling me a liar. That is too bad. To you, I am just a lying pimp who is trying to have sex with anything with long legs. You've already placed stereotypical labels on who you think I am. You think I am just a player.

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